Timber Framers Guild

Sketchup export of AutoCAD file

Posted By: Ken Hume

Sketchup export of AutoCAD file - 03/11/09 04:56 PM


When exporting a Sketchup file to AutoCAD what steps need to be taken to ensure that all components are editable inside AutoCAD ?


Ken Hume
Posted By: bmike

Re: Sketchup export of AutoCAD file - 03/11/09 08:45 PM

Which version of SketchUp are you exporting from?
What version of AutoCAD are you exporting to?

What are you trying to get as workable components in AutoCAD?
2D? 3D?
Posted By: Mark Davidson

Re: Sketchup export of AutoCAD file - 03/11/09 10:01 PM

Exporting from SU7 I beleive.
Posted By: bmike

Re: Sketchup export of AutoCAD file - 03/11/09 10:33 PM

I'd guess I need to know what you are trying to do with the components. AutoCAD turns most of SketchUp entities into 3D faces. If items are components and groups it will turn them into AutoCAD blocks. In recent versions of AutoCAD you can edit these blocks by double clicking on them, using the 'refedit' command, or exploding them.
Posted By: Mark Davidson

Re: Sketchup export of AutoCAD file - 03/12/09 02:16 PM

The situation I'm working with is producing a basic model in sketchup with no joinery details, then sending it along to an engineer who is working in CAD for further frame design.
I've been modeling with groups only in the design stage, then when I am ready to detail the connections I will convert the groups into components.
After engineering I would be importing a CAD file to sketchup.
One problem I've found when converting CAD to skp is that the scale jumps up by a factor of 12. Not a big deal, as the model is easy to resize, but curious if this is a common problem in going from CAD to sketchup.
-btw nice website bmike.
Posted By: bmike

Re: Sketchup export of AutoCAD file - 03/12/09 03:06 PM

You can change the units that SketchUp imports using the options button on the import (and I believe for the export) dialog.

Why not model with components right from the get go? Easy enough to make unique, and when you have multiples they all update when you make a change...

I typically only use groups to collect items - mainly other components.

(Thanks on the website. Work in progress for sure. More work and info and some tutorials are forthcoming...)

Posted By: bmike

Re: Sketchup export of AutoCAD file - 03/12/09 03:08 PM

You'll also find that SketchUp exports your 'solid' timber as 3d faces in AutoCAD. A pain for sure. I found this out the hard way when hoping to 'easily' convert my SketchUp model to HSB-CAD timbers with their 'convert from 3d solids' function.

Posted By: Mark Davidson

Re: Sketchup export of AutoCAD file - 03/12/09 04:36 PM

Is there a difference between groups and components when exporting a dwg?
I think your suggestion on starting out with components is a good one, I will try this. I suppose I see groups having a bit more freedom at the initial design stage, but that is just my habit I have not tried components from the start of a drawing.
Posted By: bmike

Re: Sketchup export of AutoCAD file - 03/12/09 05:40 PM

As far as I know components and groups turn into blocks in AutoCAD.
Testing now... wait...

Yes, both come through as AutoCAD blocks. And both appear to carry over the name from the component or group - so if you name your timbers (the components) they should transfer to AutoCAD.

As I said earlier - I use components for any basic building block in the model - doors, windows, walls, leg of a table, timber, post, etc... and then I group these together to organize my drawing. I use the outliner to control the groups I've created (Bent 1, Wall A, Roof, etc.) and use layers to control things like dimensions, imported floor plans, people, furniture, etc.

Posted By: Ken Hume

Re: Sketchup export of AutoCAD file - 03/13/09 08:03 AM

Hi Mike,

Ah yes that's the problem. The Sketchup components are being imported as blocks and as 3D faced entities which are not true 3D solids capable of Bolean operations.


Ken Hume
Posted By: bmike

Re: Sketchup export of AutoCAD file - 03/13/09 12:26 PM

Ken -

I haven't found an easy way around this yet... I'll let you know if I find something.
Posted By: bmike

Re: Sketchup export of AutoCAD file - 03/13/09 01:29 PM

Ken -

Correction - in my export from ACAD 2009 to SketchUp 7 its turning it into a 'polyface mesh'. To older versions of AutoCAD I was nearly certain it was converting to 3d faces.

There are some convoluted steps on the web to convert faces to solids... haven't tried them all yet. Next time I run into this I'll play around a bit. Having a converter would be great.

Posted By: Ken Hume

Re: Sketchup export of AutoCAD file - 03/18/09 07:18 PM

Hi Mark,

I have been experimenting with the Sketchup import "options" button and found that for example a drawing produced in AutoCAD using inches as the units of measurement must be imported into Sketchup using the same measurement option. If the import units are inadvertedntly set to feet then all dimensions will appear in Sketchup x 12. Setting the import dimensions to match those used in the originating problem should solve your problem.


Ken Hume
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