Timber Framers Guild

Seeking experienced timber-frame engineer......

Posted By: gib

Seeking experienced timber-frame engineer...... - 11/26/04 03:44 PM

After re-reading Paul Freeman's reply to my request for help on sizing my beams, it only makes sense to get my plans checked out before putting the whole thing together. This is a job that I am doing for someone else, and prior to this, all that I have done is stick-frame construction. I am sure the people that requested this project would agree to a "modest fee" (Paul's words.)

That being said, can anyone recommend someone who can check out my plans? In particular, someone with experience on pavilion-sytle, four-post shelters. I initially received a bunch of mail from different timber-frame companies, but I would really like to hear some first-hand recommendations from you folks. Also, as an FYI for myself, what is a modest fee for someone checking out a small 10'x20' structure?

Thanks, and I will be checking back soon -- Tim.
Posted By: Mark Davidson

Re: Seeking experienced timber-frame engineer...... - 11/26/04 11:35 PM

where are you located?

i would suggest looking in your own community, are there timberframe companies in your community?
if so then those folks would know an engineer.
a good stick frame engineer should be able to do a smaller timberframe like the one you describe.
most of the engineers i've worked with charge 50-100 per hour.....
Posted By: gib

Re: Seeking experienced timber-frame engineer...... - 11/27/04 01:49 AM

I will be doing the work in Rhinelander, Wisconsin. I live in northeast WI, by Green Bay and the Fox Valley River metro area.

I've received information from timberframe companies from Iowa and Illinois, and some as far away as the east coast.

I think that this is something that can be handled via email because it is such a simple design. However I've found out that there is much more to building this than meets the eye.

There are no timber-frame builders where I live. But there are several log home builders in northern Wisconsin, and some of them have experiemce with timber-framing. But I don't think any of them have the know-how to check out the specs for my structure. -- Tim
Posted By: Jim Rogers

Re: Seeking experienced timber-frame engineer...... - 11/27/04 02:31 PM

As I'm from the East coast of New England, I can't comment on any timber framing engineers that are familiar with your area, in regard to codes rules and loads.
You could do a search in the Resource guide of the guild, and find a company that is licensed in your area and familiar with your area's load requirements and codes. Finding someone in your area would or should reduce the costs as they have done such work there before and don't need to do the research to find out your area's snow, wind and other loads.
If you need help finding/using the resource guide, post another notice and I can tell you step by step instructions.

Good luck with your project.
Jim Rogers
Posted By: Paul Freeman

Re: Seeking experienced timber-frame engineer...... - 11/27/04 03:47 PM

Definitely start with the Resource Guide, if you use an engineer unfamiliar with timber framing you'll simply be funding his education.
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