I was surprised to find this post reanimated

Unfortunately I have come to believe that this topic has other resemblances to a zombie....i.e. it's a dead issue.

At the West conference I had a conversation with David Powell of Timberwolf Tools who has been working on Makita for quite a long time about this and other timber tools. They have been invariably intransigent in their position that they have a 10" saw and a 16" saw here and they don't see the need for a tool that falls between. (and before someone posts it...yes I know the 16" has major suckage issues)
Perhaps they see this as too much of a niche market to warrant the UL testing process.
Whatever their reason I wouldn't be expecting to see any here thru official channels anytime soon
Dave also mentioned that Makita aggressively pursues anyone they believe to be bringing these tools in country
Word to the wise.....