if you're building it yourself you should consider what kind of work you enjoy doing. beyond trusses, i'd never done timberframing before, and it is a very different process. log building is more sculptural in terms of how you work the logs, whereas there is more picky measuring with timbers. i had a log building and a timberframing mentor, and their ways of dealing with wood were quite different. the one was more artistic and intuitive, the other more exact.

also what kind of wood and equipment you have access to. timberframing is nice because you can work alone without a crane and get your friends together at the end to put it up. log building by yourself without heavy equipment is slow. the log goes up, scribe, the log comes down, cut, back up and hopefully that's it. a gin pole or ramps can do that but it's slow.

i decided to timber frame this building i'm working on now because i had some big trees down that i could barely move, but once they were squared up a friend and i could get them out of the bush. full length logs in the round are heavy. timber framing allows you to make bigger structures out of shorter, more manageable pieces of wood.

i've felt cosy in both kinds of buildings though.