Bug wood. It looks like that one is on the way to the bugs already. I had a buggy wood frame that went up, and after the heat came on in the late winter they started chew-chew-chewing, the little slivers falling out the holes, eventually out came the adults! I took in a live trap as a joke, had to lighten it up a bit. The worms are as big as my little finger. I found compressed air worked well, a bit messy. Some of the adults popped out not quite done and kind of translucent and resembling something out of a si-fi movie.

Nice cruck, I would cut it in half and get 2 sticks as Ken mentioned. It must be 25-30' as it hangs off the bed of the truck. Almost big enough for book matched pairs, 4 pieces. It all depends on its final use. I have a shot of a simular piece but taken from the operators chair. They don't stack well on the truck, lots of air.

I have found if they go into the frame wet you will get some gaps as it dries. I am now trying to let them dry for a while in the sawn stage and cut a bit longer than the intended use (with angles cut) than cut the joint just before raising.

TTRAG was great, I'm a bit wiped out and now need to rest so I can go back to work. I was seeing Fore Bay barns in my sleep. Tim