Sorry to have let the cat out of the bag, I'm not sure how he got in there. As you can tell I think I have found a new medium, I couldn't help myself. A floor system made up of clay and straw, traditionally used, is important information. I am most curious to its viability of use in modern days, I am hopeful and will be using this type of construction on some of my personal work. Will others be open to its use is a question still to be answered.

It appears the author of the last article is interested in the historical aspects. I am wanting information to promote the use of this type of building material. It shouldn't just be a new green fad, historically and traditionally it has been used, why give it up? What is the down falls of clay? What caused it to fall out of use?

I can't help wondering why there is no infilled houses around my home area. They had no insulation at all, or nothing to speak of. I did just hear, at TTRAG, the use of swale grass used with clay in Nova Scotia. Most likely French influenced. No detail at to how it was used, it was in the walls, but no specifics. I will be using swale grass as well for it grows nicely right here and I have the ability to harvest it and already use it in other ways.
