Originally Posted By: Will Truax
Mike - Thanks for clarifying, and I hope you find it understandable that I came to the conclusion I did.

I have not seen the thread you allude to or the willy nilly advice, but I have seen such before, and I will look for it.

If there is any serendipity to be found in this mess, it is perhaps that the idea of offering structural advice based a brief written description is simply not a good idea, and that thought has seldom been voiced here on the forum.


I'm not suggesting you were giving poor advice on another thread - but like you I have seen it before (on other website forums, in other categories on the TFG, even regarding unrelated subjects) and I think it is dangerous and unprofessional. Clearly the 'danger' part is relative to the subject and circumstances - but the 'unprofessional' part applies regardless.

And yes, I have the sentiment of your last sentence exactly. Giving advice to someone I do not know, on a structure I haven't seen, for a failure I haven't studied, with loads, circumstances, etc. I cannot verify - all based on 1 paragraph is foolish. Others may feel differently - fair enough. But simply claiming that there is a TFG disclaimer somewhere that absolves them of responsibility... well... I'll leave it at that.

The possibilities you list are all avenues I would suggest the author approach - and all possibilities I have seen in my travels and repairs of traditional barns on the central East coast. And I feel the way you posted was proper.

Again, apologies for the misunderstanding and I regret not re-typing the long post I lost to the forum gremlins.

Mike Beganyi Design and Consulting, LLC.