Hello, I'm new to the forums and to timber frame design. My wife and i are wanting to build a timber frame home in about 2 or 3 years and will be doing alot of it ourselves with the help of a family member who is a builder. He has never built a timber frame home and has serious concerns with the CIP panels having no ventiltion in the severe temp swings of michigan where we live. The concern is that the roof would heat up and cause large ice buildup and possibly moisture backup and leakage after that. Can anyone lend some advice or information regarding this. More than likely we will not be able to affored CIP panels and i'm wondering if this type of house can be built without. (How do CIP Panels work in regards to regular ventilated roofs?)

We have thought about a few options to do wihtout:
1. Building the timber frame and building stick walls and possibly doing 2 roof decks to allow for ventilation.
2. Build a normal stick house with regular trusses and see if we could have trusses and beams made to retrofit and give the look of a true timber frame house.

Are these common practices in timber framing and/or could anyone give me any insight or advice on this or better ideas.
Thanks in advance...any help would be greatly appreciated.