Can you share how much it costs to maintain your shop's certification?

I can also vouch for TP Inspections, I've taken their grader training course in GA. Lots of good info from knowledgeable folks.

One of my area inspectors has allowed an engineer to grade timbers, this was discussed in advance. Actually that discussion has evolved over about a decade during which time I trained, complained and educated. This was the solution we are both as close to ok with as we're going to get. Another will allow ungraded, another requires grading by an accredited agency. I'm going to disagree Will. It is predictable and due diligence to know the code and to assume the letter of the law will be enforced. Ask in advance if they will allow something less. It sucks and you have my sympathies, but there it is. If there is a sharing of the bill it would be with the engineer, it sounds as though he "assumed" as well.

Several New England states have native lumber laws which allow self grading for residential. The time is coming where timbers will have to be graded before and after notching, those wheels are in motion.