I know this is a five year old thread about the Big Al but a timber framer has asked me if these comments by Clark about the Big Al not being accurate are true.

Ok so here's what I did. I got out my Big Al and my regular framing square the one that I use for all my timber framing.

And I compared the 2" slot on the big Al to the 2" body of my framing square. And it was exactly the same. Next I compared the 1 1/2" tongue of the framing square and it was exactly the same.

The only thing I can say about Clark's comments is that one, he got a bad Big Al or two he got a bad framing square. Most likely it's the framing square.

Has anyone else checked their Big Al to their framing square and found a difference?

My Big Al was made by Al himself back in 2000. Are the new ones off?

Jim Rogers

Whatever you do, have fun doing it!