
There is one tradition where a clean-up afterwords, of the construction elements is not out of the ordinary and where techniques and tools are found to do it as a matter of course. In Finland an axe is used to trim the insides of the walls of the block houses to remove soot from the cooking and heating fire and lighten the interior. I did it once in Sweden on an old way-station that had been badly marked with graffiti and it brought back the original surface texture.

But more to the realm of reality or at least the context mentioned. You know last week there was a bit of snow here combined with a wind out of the North. This happens maybe once a year and it blows snow up under the ridge flap on the roof of the barn and then it accumulates inside on the floor. This floor was pretty dirty because of normal traffic combined with the wet year and the dog tracking a lot of mud in there but after cleaning the snow off most of the dirt has come up with it and all that's left are my lay-out lines for the framing I am busy with. Probably a bucket of warm water, soap and a stiff brush will clean up that Douglas.


Don Wagstaff