My only concern would be the service life of these options, especially the concrete. Modern concretes don't have a tremendous lifespan, especially when exposed to the yearly cycles of freezing and thawing.

Also anyone you could label as a 'Rebel' in any field scares me. There are good reasons for the traditions we adhere to, and good reasons for the systems that they are 'rebelling' against.

You can always assemble trusses on the ground, and lift them in place with a crane or some sort of rigging. Just find a buddy that's willing to ride on top. I've flown a lot of preassembled trusses in my day, it's pretty simple and easy.

Now, to back up a bit, I don't know anything about this fellow you mention, he could have great stuff for all I know. I just am wary of anyone who likes to totally discard whatever came before or is already in place. Then again, I come from the most tradition-minded race of people on earth wink

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