hello everyone tonight

Hi Ken

always nice to hear from you, and thanks for the comment

your posts are also very educational and interesting, and from what I can see deal mainly with early English architecture, which I find very interesting indeed-your country is lucky to have you and your son taking such an interest in its long past history

I would like to add here the news that I received that Peter John Stokes has passed away, for those of you who do not know him, he was a well know historical architect here in Ontario and was the driving force during the establishment of UCV, and the restoration of its many structures. Him and his wife were both from England, and carried a lot of the English traits with them

I had the good fortune of working with him both during and after the opening of the site, and I must say that I believe because of my association with him, it broadened my knowledge not only of timber framing but historic water powered mills, and the exteriors and interiors of period homes dating to the mid 1800's