Does this Forum need a Disclaimer?
this question came up in the axe throwing folder(the thread is called "timberframing talk"), and i think it should be followed up. i think it's a good idea to place a disclaimer at the top of the page with the :
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especially with people like me, who tend to fly by the seat of thier pants, giving advice.

I'll copy and paste some relevant text from that earlier discussion here:
from Jim Rogers:
This forum would be greatly helped if some of the people in our industry who are experts would help more of the people looking for answers.
But then the old "liability" thing raises it's head.
I have been cautioned in the past from others about giving direct answers here.
And I can understand that.
If I post a direct answer and someone goes out and does it, and something goes wrong, can they come after me and sue me?
I don't ever want to find out....
I'd rather help them find their own answers, by pointing them to where the answer is, and let find it and understand it, before they use it.

from Joe Bartok:
I have popped the accountabilty question in other forums and as of yet have not received an answer as to whether the forum disclaimer covers the participants.
Until this issue is clarified I make a habit of thinking twice about the content of my posts.

from Derek Swanger:
Its sad were talking about lawers instead of timberframing. If some Joe Smith (please don't sue me if your name is Joe Smith) off the street asked " Aaah duhhh how big should my piece of wood be" My reply is "Aaah duhhh Hire a timberframer or go to work for one, you novice" Now if Joe Smith wants to understand some basic fundamentals of "picking a stick" We should all be helping out.
I am more interested in helping out other timberframers. Yes Yes Yes I love taking a perfectly good power tool, manipulating the crap out of it and using it for some wierd purpose. I could be the guy into lawnmower racing. I still have all my fingers. I would love to tell people some of the fun things I've built. Should I be afraid to post this kind of information? I'm just happy were down here at least talking about this stuff. We can save the really good stuff for conferences? I am itching to go to one again.

After Derek's post I tried to find a disclaimer on this forum, and I could not.
If you've been thinking about this issue, what do you think? There is more relevant info on the thread mentioned above:;f=47;t=000013