hi, I received this info from Joe Miller in a question about white ash....

"Chapter 4 of the Wood Handbook (there is a link to it on the main Guild page) has all sorts of UNADJUSTED strength properties for ash and other species."

there was also a link which doesn't work anymore...

however, I printed the info for my white ash and black cherry is on the same page. Here are the values:
E = 9000MPa green/10300@12% moisture
Fv (parallel shear?) = 7800kPa green /11700@ 12%
if fiber stress in bending is the same as "modulus of rupture", then the value is 55000kPa green and 85000 @12%

if this info is undeciferable gobldeegoop, perhaps you can find the wood handbook. or ask me and I'll try to clarify.

Joe had said it was on the tf main site, but I could not find it tonight.