Hey guys,
Some mostly permanent does all templates may be just the ticket but when you are on the distant job site the master is not in the truck,
Lesson learned, improvise.
The challenges which occur on TFG projects are good examples. On the Colbath barn a while back we had to cut ramped housings very precisely and at a funny angle. the housings were rectangular in overall shape and ran from 1/2" deep to nothing at some shallow angle I don't remember.
Solution: temporarily screw two pieces of scrap stock on each side of the timber describing the plane of the angle to be cut. Using a wide base plate and set the plunge depth at the deep end. Gently push the router up the ramp and voila, ramped housings to spec. Set up time per housing about 1 minute. Routing time according to the skils of the driver but in any case consideralby faster and more accurate then an eyeball driven chisel.
A little time thinking toward a solution pays dividends.