For the month of November through to the 15th of December I am offering a special price for those that would like to purchase all 3 DVD's, please contact me for more information.

The instructional material pertains to the use of the Historic Broadaxe--(2 DVD's), The Carpenter's Adze--(2 DVD's), and Broadaxe handle making--(1 DVD).

The information covers the handle styles of both traditional tools, their lengths, a good discussion of the Broadaxe and Adze head styles and will cover what to look for if purchasing one is on your agenda. The axe handle making shows a broadaxe handle being produced by hand here at my site .

A good percentage of the material on the DVD's is a hands on documentary of the actual Hewing process, followed by a good commentary in a step by step fashion as I work along.

Layout of lines normally used for timberframing rough material is reviewed. A discussion of laying out lines on the surface of a round log to properly start the hewing process is reviewed a sticker for many who wish to hew from the rough round log.

The material on the DVD's is equal to what the student would receive if he or she attended a one day workshop to learn the basic's of Hewing or adzing with these historic tools.

Please note:These DVD's can be purchased separately Just make a note to that effect when inquiring.

To produce this documentary I draw on 30 years of experience and 3 generation of family timberframing tradition