Hello all,

I'm building a porch onto a small structure that I've built, and will be timber framing a simple bent to support the rafters and roof. The plate will be two 8x8s, scarfed together. I haven't ever cut a scarf joint before, let alone designed the placement of one, and am looking for some advice.

It seems there are many variations on the scarf joint, and I know the Guild has been testing (busting) them at their conferences. Whats a version that works well and is simple enough for a scarf-first-timer to cut? Pictures? Pages in a book? Detailed description?

Also, I understand that scarfs are best located above braces? Is this correct? If so, how/where specifically? I will have 3' braces at each post. Where does the brace joinery fall in conjunction with the scarf?

Thanks so much, and you all rock!