I have read several books that refer to building a gambrel roof on top of a post frame base of a barn.
(a common repair the books states).
The only designs/pictures I see show a 2x? laminated frame extending into the roof structure.
(Louden barn plans)
I have a 30/48 structure with 8x8 posts (12'oc.)
All these posts are embedded in concrete 4'
into the ground.
The ends wall have 4 posts with the middle
2 posts made of laminated 2x8 which are bolted.
These can be rebuilt to extend to the roof line.
I am looking for books or plans
that show the different methods of building
a gambrel roof.
I would like to use a Iowa or Shawver(sp) like
truss or something like it to keep the middle
of the barn open.
It will have a metal(Pro panel type roof covering)
The snow load is 50 lbs so some of the designs
I have seen look to weak to be used.
Any info, ideas, or direction would be helpful.
Also,if this is a bad idea, then let me know.
Thanks Gerry