Timber Framers Guild

Version 2.0 of the TF Rubies has been released

Posted By: daiku

Version 2.0 of the TF Rubies has been released - 04/21/10 02:04 PM

Just in time for the Western Confernece!

Available in the usual location: http://www.northernlightstimberframing.com/su/

New Features:

  • Peg Hole Tool. To use it, edit a timber, and select the joint component (note that this is exactly where you'll be right after you "TF Create Joint"). Select the peg tool from the plugins menu under TF Rubies. Click once on the corner of a face that should receive a peg hole. Then click again at the approximate location of the peg. Now read the VCB, and type in the exact distances you want (in x,y format). It should place a peg hole on both sides of the tenon, and mark them as pegs. Watch the YouTube video for a demonstration. .

  • Degree of Difficulty (DoD) for each timber. This allows for more accurate estimating. Just right click on a timber and choose "TF Set DoD", and type in a number (perhaps the number of hours it should take to create this timber). Do this for all the timbers, or use the "assign DoD tool" from the plugins menu (works just like the "rename component instance" tool). The DoDs will appear as a new column in the timber list. There's also a "DoD Report" option on the plugins menu under TF Rubies, that will tell you about missing DoD information. If you save a timber with a DoD to your library, the DoD will be saved along with it.

  • Better Metric Support. With a Big Thanks to Jonas Ekefjord for his contribution!

  • A “Contribution” item on the TF Rubies Menu.

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