I am building a small timber frame and am hoping to raise it this fall, but am in need of some more hands to help expedite the process. Im cutting the frame now, but have a whole lot more to go. The frame is a simple modification of Jack Sobon's Garden Toolshed from his red book. Many of the timbers are red oak, but there's also some hemlock, pine, cherry, and a black birch or two. Opportunity to learn/practice hewing as well. Using almost exclusively hand tools.

The frame is being cut in Wendell, MA. If you live in the area and have the desire to come by from time to time, you're more than welcome. If youve taken a course, or are looking for some more timber framing experience, this may be a great opportunity to internalize more of the skills you picked up then. If you're looking for some place to work and live thruout the fall, my partner and I would be very open to discussing a type of internship or apprenticeship.

If you, or anyone you know, may be interested, dont hesitate to get in touch with me, as I'm certainly hoping for some extra assistance.
