Kicking Horse Timber Frame Bridge
10/19/11 10:11 PM
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Celebrating 10 years since TFG built the Kicking Horse TF Bridge, so here is a quick SU model, with more work to be done. Hope to see some of you guys in Golden this weekend. Cheers Irv Graham Alpine Meadows Lodge Added by Moderator Paul Freeman 10/24/11: [Reid Costley designed and engineered the project for the Town of Golden and on behalf of the TFG, Ed Levin was the primary contributor to the project design and there were many others too numerous to mention here.]
Last edited by Paul Freeman; 10/24/11 06:55 PM.
Irv Graham Alpine Meadows Lodge & Woodlot Golden BC 2001 Kicking Horse TF Bridge a great experience!
Re: Kicking Horse Timber Frame Bridge
10/20/11 08:38 AM
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Ken Hume
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Hi Irv,
I wonder if what you have posted above is a breach of copyright ?
We all of us here know the original designer of this bridge.
I am sure that no offence is intended (either way) and hence I simply raise this as a topic for thought, comment and discussion.
Ken Hume
Last edited by Ken Hume; 10/20/11 08:39 AM.
Looking back to see the way ahead !
Re: Kicking Horse Timber Frame Bridge
10/20/11 05:07 PM
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Ray Gibbs
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Re: Kicking Horse Timber Frame Bridge
10/20/11 07:08 PM
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Ken, I don't think Irv was claiming to be the designer, simply building a model for the 10th anniversary of what was for many people, an amazing experience. And, you might want to have a look in the 3d Warehouse...
Re: Kicking Horse Timber Frame Bridge
10/20/11 09:53 PM
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Ken Hume
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Hi Mike,Ray & Irv, I have been reading the Timber Framers Business Council Client Guide document which can be found at :- which covers aspects of copyright infringement includng this short extract written by Nancy Wilkins :- "Copying a home from real life is not allowed. Any home built since 1990 is the intellectual property of the original designer, and you may not recreate it even if you go measure it and draw it up yourself. The test that courts have based their rulings on is whether an ordinary person, with no building background, on examining the two designs, would become confused as to which was done by the original designer (from Building Systems Magazine, November–December 1996)." Regards Ken Hume
Looking back to see the way ahead !
Re: Kicking Horse Timber Frame Bridge
10/20/11 10:29 PM
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It's not a home. Except for the troll that lives under it. He probably won't mind.
Re: Kicking Horse Timber Frame Bridge
[Re: Ken Hume]
10/20/11 11:43 PM
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Roger Nair
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Do perspective renderings without scale with limited pixels represent anything other than an impression? Can a public building be sketched without permission? Ideas and information are in the air, every fence post, mailbox, outhouse and treehouse is a design, every placement of every object by man is a design. Let's get over ourselves. Scout Wilkins was representing a business organization and a code of ethics, she was not exploring fair usage in the public domain.
What I believe is the fair thing when posting images is to post links to source or when imbedding an image state attribution.
Last edited by Roger Nair; 10/20/11 11:47 PM.
Re: Kicking Horse Timber Frame Bridge
10/20/11 11:52 PM
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Golden Greetings Ken, please continue having this conversation concerning protection for private buildings etc. Modelling a public bridge using public funds that had open houses etc maybe different. If great participation from the TFG and wonderful learning experiences for all that helped to create this rather unique and beautiful bridge, inspires other communities to consider TF's, hey it sure beats the romance of steel and concrete. Simply modelling an inspiring timberframe, without access to any detailed engg drawings, or any joint details will not I believe cause too much concern. Please enjoy and create more fantastic timberframes, we need them. Cheers alpmeadow A TF Fan
Irv Graham Alpine Meadows Lodge & Woodlot Golden BC 2001 Kicking Horse TF Bridge a great experience!
Re: Kicking Horse Timber Frame Bridge
10/20/11 11:58 PM
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D L Bahler
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Irv, I would suggest that you might contact the original designers and make sure it is OK to publish such models publicly. I am sure it would be, but I ask myself what would I do in their position? My position would be I would not care if people did things such as this, so long as they asked me first.
Re: Kicking Horse Timber Frame Bridge
10/21/11 03:22 AM
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Ray Gibbs
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I think we need to stop reading into things, things that are not there. It is what it is. An invitation to celebrate the anniversary of this bridge. I challenge anybody to build this bridge based on the SU drawing Irv posted. And frankly, and seriously, WGAF.