There is a timber grading workshop being held in Charleston, SC on Nov 7-Nov 9, 2016 sponsored by the TFEC (Timber Framers Engineering Council) with the help of the TFG (Timber Framers Guild).

The event is 2.5 days of hands-on instruction by Ron Anthony (wood scientist) as well as a grader from the SPIB. Not only will it count for a stack of continuing education credits (license renewals are coming up soon…!) but it will allow you to more confidentially understand the theory behind timber grading, and put it into practice.

More info can be found at:

I took this course last year, and, found it well worth both the time and the money.
Joe Miller, Ph.D., P.E., P.Eng.
Providence, RI

They still have openings for this event. You don't have to be a member of the TFG in order to attend. It is open to all. Engineers, timber framers, sawyers, designers and wood-workers interested in learning about timber grading.

Jim Rogers

Whatever you do, have fun doing it!