Join the Timber Framers Guild and Janet Kane for an engineering workshop geared specifically towards Timber Framers.This class will delve into the workings of a good structure. Aimed for the timber framer, we will explore basic engineering principles within the context of timber frames. In a non-mathematical format, we will begin by looking at load paths to the foundation, the basic laws of physics that each and every structure follows, (no exceptions!) and how our building behaves under different types of loading. Progressing from the whole-building, we will dissect the frame into components and discuss the various jobs each timber piece does in keeping the structure standing against the forces inflicted upon it. In addition to posts, beams & braces, we will look at truss types. Finally we will synthesize the elements back into framing systems. Joinery considerations will be discussed.

Working with an engineer is an underlying theme throughout the presentation. In addition to engineering concepts, we will spend time discussing what constitutes a good set of plans and will develop a shop drawing format that can be customized and that can be submitted for permitting. This is an interactive class. Information/ handouts will be disseminated electronically. Laptops are not required, but may be useful.
About the Facilitator:

Janet Kane is an engineer who has been working with timber framers for the past 20+ years. Before becoming an engineer, she taught for many years in a variety of settings. Now she spends her time doing some of both - when she’s not in a garden. A familiar face in the Guild, she is also a member of TTRAG, TFEC and currently is on the Timber Frame Guild Board of Directors.

For more info click this link:
Link to page with info

Jim Rogers

Whatever you do, have fun doing it!