I would like anyone's advice or opinion on blue stain (on pine).
Obviously, winter cut trees that are taken directly to the mill and then stacked properly are good preventatives for reducing the likelihood of blue stain. I have not yet experienced blue stain but am having a frame milled as we speak and wanted some opinions - my timbers will not see a kiln:
1) I have read that blue stain cannot form under 72 degF. Anyone had experience different?
2) Can blue stain appear later after sawing? Example - if I cut in winter and still have stacked when it gets warmer, can blue stain occur? (I am in Texas, the land of 60 deg temperature swings).
3) Has anyone used any preservatives after sawing. If so, which one(s) and how did you apply and what were the results.
These forums are great info sources from hands-on experts and are invaluable. Thanks for help!