Jim, I am still doing some smithing at Hancock, they don't close until after Thanksgiving, and soon I'll be doing some at home after I finish my brake drum forge. What kind of drift pin do you need, I have seen several styles: ones with the end bent 180 and driven back into them selves, ones with a 90 on the end to drive out with a hammer and the ones I have been making with a ring on the end so you can insert another pin and twist it back out. I make mine out of 3/4" for 13/16" peg holes. That way you have a 1/16" so they don't bind, but will still snug the joint right up. I don't think they would work as well without any drawbore. I am also going try making some pins to drive pegs out from the back.

Anyone who has any questions can post here or e-mail me through this site.


Member, Timber Framers Guild