So I have decided that because of my continuous usage of this forum to post stuff that has absolutely nothing to do with axe throwing, I shall return the favour given to me by Steve L. by learning to throw an actual axe and compete in the 2008 competition in Coer d'Alene.
I wasn't going to say anything about it, but was convinced to make it public by another member, who, by the way, should start practicing to chuck some real axes as well... wink
It is pretty much a no brainer...I'm ok at darts and archery, I'm Swedish, I like chopping wood, I repress some anger, and Coer d'Alene is near-by.
And I have a year to figure it out.
It may just come naturally to me, or I may totally suck at it. Either way, I will just do it.
Anyone with me?