Hello all, I'm new to the guild and have a few questions about a potential new residence.
1.) Is there a rule of thumb ($/sq ft) of timberframe new home construction?
2.) Is there a rule of thumb of cost estimation with respect to cost of framing materials/timbers? (ie, is there a "standard" percentage of total cost?)
3.) Are there any resources for grading timbers for use in a timber frame home.
4.) Is there any type of exchange program for timbers (fresh cut traded for seasoned timbers?)

Any guidance would be appreciated, and if there is a better place for these questions, feel free to guide me in the right direction.

The county is going to be taking 15-20 trees (doug fir between 12"-18" dia +/-) down on my property to expand a road. They are leaving the trees for us to deal with and I'm wondering if they could be used in a new residence as opposed to bucking it all into firewood to sell.
