This is where Kootenay Lake is.

Kaslo is my town.

If you scroll out on the map, you will see that it's about 8hrs drive west of Calgary, and about 9hrs drive east of Vancouver, with the pedal to the metal. And if you choose hybrid, you can see the topography... lots of mountains...

I have some theories on why there's so much timberframing here:
During the 70's a lot of people moved to this area seeking refuge from the social norms of the day, and many sought to return to the land, so to speak.
Homesteading enjoyed a revival then and continues to this day.
People were building their own homes out of locally harvested timbers and they experimented with different styles. I think the timberframe made the most sense, and a lot of those sprung up, or reasonable facsimiles thereof.
And people liked them. And the word grew. And the wood is good and plentiful.
Almost all of the tfers and designers in the area have worked at Hamill Creek at some point...It's been around the longest.

These are some companies in the area. There are many smaller outfits working out of their homes or upon request.

The beach is right out the door, the BBQ is the fire pit in the yard, beer's in the fridge, and the babes....well, you'll have to figure that one out yourself, I'm afraid...

And we're always looking for designers.... wink