I suppose I'll have to say something about the mindset, though I don't really want to. I think there's some out there think it's

I spent some time with a Japanese artist who my client engaged to keep some company, culture-wise, with the Japanese carpenter working on the project we made, since this man didn't speak English and I only knew a few words in Japanese.

A lot of what we talked about wasn't carpentry, some of it was
about poetry, film, paintings, architecture etc.

However, because this artist started off in his life as an architectural student, and then moved over into "art" he was well attuned to what we do.

He did some brilliant drawings for me which I have, and understood the building properly, which he tried to convey to me.

I realised, at a point, that I was bending my understanding into a different mode:it was quite painful, but positive.

I can only say you need to experience this to know it: it's not a religious experience, it's an opening into another mode of thought.

By the way, I've built a few boats! No money in it!