Crabtree –

No apologies are necessary, and I hope no offense was taken with my spirited reply, none was intended. I was but trying to affirm that which was the underlying emphasis of my original post. That the effected region as a whole, has housing which is incapable of standing up to even moderate seismic activity and that had an event of this magnitude been land based and free of the tidal wave, the sheer numbers might and the magnitude of the tragedy may have been near this same degree of devastation. And I see that, as itself tragic and near as great a cause for action.

I am aware of the regions timber trade and that though much has been done both on the international and local fronts to stem the flow, it continues largely illegally. Another cause for action.

I do hope your obvious familiarity with Indonesia and the passion your well said posts exhibit, mean we can expect to enjoy your continuing interest.

Thanks again

"We build too many walls and not enough bridges" - Isaac Newton