
A lot of what you say has been mentioned earlier in the thread. It is, I think, the general consensus that donating a product of our labor is more satisfying than sending cash. While we are not experts in the fields you mention, we are connected in the world to some who are. I think that one reason for the lessening traffic has been our anticipation of the plans that Will mentioned. It is extremely difficult to sell the idea of this project without a product to display. With these plans now ready for distribution and review, I think we'll see renewed energy and vigor on the thread. I have had the opportunity to share Will's design with someone who recently returned from Java. He feels that the frame would be well received and would make the recipient feel quite wealthy. The fact that the frame is seismically stable makes it more attractive, not less. It is still possible to build the walls with local techniques and materials, but since we won't be putting a large roof on poorly braced masonry walls, the building should last much longer.

As to sriking while the iron is hot, I think it will be hot for a long time to come. I think we should proceed with deliberation and forethought. We need to find the right partner, the right recipient, and the right design. When these are all identified, then we can really move forward. It is my belief that we will be able to field at least ten mini rendezvous around the country, producing at least ten frames. In addition to these mini rendezvous, people will be able to cut and send individual pieces for more frames. In the end, I would like to think that we could fill a container with frames.

Thinking big is not a problem. Recognizing that we are thinking big and planning appropriately is what we do. Look at Guelph, Sechelt, Russel-Colbath, Salem, and Angola. We do big well.

This is, of course, my two cents and may not represent the opinions of anyone else. That's OK because I am having all the fun.
