Originally Posted By: mo
Andy, Welcome. Rambling is alright here. As far as the books the ones the guild site offers are great. I can't remember the two names but I know of them as the "red" and "green" books. I think it is something along the lines of design and joinery volumes.? Also Sobon's "Historic American Timberframe Joinery". That is the "yellow" one.

Thanks Mo..I'll add them to my collection after I finish what's coming in the mail. I got the two I did b/c they were priced "really" right and I figured i couldn't go wrong really.
I'm a sucka for a good deal...lol. It's going to take me a lil' spell to absorb what I'm already reading.......although I do have to say I am understanding it all pretty quickly. Prolly' cuz I've been a carp for such a long time. I call it "common sense in wood".....for the most part.
thanks again Mo