Mark, thanks for the image. That makes sense.
What if you wanted the overhanging rafter to be taller than wide. I guess you could make the rafter bigger and gain back the same way?

What about creating a flare in the overhang where the pitch at the eaves is less than the main pitch. Anybody have ideas for this (When tight enclosure is neccessary)? I remember the sprocket and dont like that too much because they have to sit to the side. What about adding level timbers outside of the structure with bracing? If you wanted it on the Marks image. It seems you could raise the bents add the plate, add outside bracing, attach the connecting pieces with possibly a dovetail at the top plate. It seems you could do this in a principal rafter roof. You know what this babbling gets confusing. Here:

Now I tend to design stuff without looking at certain factors sometime. I.E. stability, raising capability. However I think this is possible. If you all would like too, please take shots at it, compliment, or whatever. I like different opinions. It seems like that enclosing thing is always in the way.

From a design point of view, it seems the overhang is a distinct element of overall style.
