Hi Mo,

The test could be quite simple. For example, if you are planning to regularly support say 300 lbs at mid span on the horse then you might want to consider applying a test weight of say 600 lbs and if the horse doesn't break then you know that you have a safety factor of at least x2 if the horse is rated for 300 lbs - that is of course provided the horse does not break.

The braces will work provided there is good friction developed at the feet of the legs e.g. say on a concrete floor but if this is placed on a smooth wooden floor with sawdust lubrication then the support developed might not be so great as the legs would be able to spread.

Actually, upon reviewing your photo again there is quite a stack (6 timbers) placed on top of 2 horses which goes a longway to demonstrating the load capacity of the horses.

What do those timbers weigh and how near are you to the point of collapse ?


Ken Hume

Last edited by Ken Hume; 03/13/08 08:11 AM.

Looking back to see the way ahead !