Hi everyone looking in, As promised--- here is a few tidbits of information from this 130 yr old construction document drew up for the direction of work to be carried out in the construction of a one room school in Williamsburg Township --Ontario Canada. This document is dated March the 6th 1877.
The building is to be 22 by 30 feet clear inside, plus a porch 18 feet long and 5 feet wide with hip corners on the roof, 2 doors in front of the main doors, with 1 window between the doors. (I suspect a boys and girls separate entrance.)
Item #2:
The timeframe for the construction completion is for Aug 1st 1877, (I suspect in time for the fall classes to begin.)
If the work began by the end of March it only gives the constructor approx. 120 days to complete the work.
For discussion
I realize that at this point not much information has been given out but as a contractor would you be willing to put a bid in yet and if not here is a little more info:
Item #3.
there is no basement but hand dug walls are the order "20 inches wide and 1.5 feet deep on the lowest corner, walls to be of good field stone, laid with a good lime and sand mortar, and the wall is to be 36" high,"
Item #4>
Wall Drains to be as follows: "of good sound cedar, tube to be not less than 6" square, covering top and bottom to be not less than 2" thick of good hemlock"
Could someone comment on just what they want, a square tube of cedar again covered with hemlock?
(One more item tonight)
Painting outside: "Painting 2 coats of paint and good paint oil, Cornice 2 coats of white lead and best of oil, Roof to be tarred with good coal tar."
( I suspect that they want the shingles tarred, but I am not sure). Tarring shingles is not something that I have seen but it maybe was done to prolong the life of the wood shingles, anyone got any ideas?