It should be noted that Historic American Joinery and the pending steeple publication (as well as others) are Guild projects conceived, refined and run by the excellent Will Beemer.

He writes the grants to the National Park Service (every two years).

He assembles the team (Jack Sobon, Ed levin, Ken Rower and Jan Lewandoski), and begins the long process of publication, in cahoots with Ken Rower.

Finally shepherding the resulting articles into a monograph, usually with additional commentary not appearing in the original publications (in Timber Framing).

Guild members and TF Subscribers get to see this stuff long before the general public - just in case we got something terribly wrong.

Most of this material is now available for free download from the TFG website. Links are on the bottom of the homepage. Also for sale in analog format on the TFG webstore, and through the granting agency, the National Center for Preservation Technology and Training. (A cool bunch of folks who write training materials for NPS employees - the NPS is the nation's landlord of historic structures; we're proud to have been recognized by them as experts in our particular and peculiar field.)

So hats off to Will Beemer from bringing a great idea to life and keeping it going, to the team for doing all the work, and to the National Park Service for paying the bills.

-Joel McC