
I have been looking at chain mortisers and I am astounded by the price of them. There doesn't really seem to be that much to them when you get right down to it. Compared to other wood working tools that are more common and have a comparable complexity, they are about five times the price that they should be. Even the replacement chains are a real rip off at around $700-$800. I have noticed that the other tools for timber framing do not reflect reality when compared to other more ubiquitous wood working tools of similar quality and complexity.

Are the prices simply a refection of supply and demand? Do they cost more because there is such a small market segment for them?

Does anyone know where you can buy timber framing tools at prices that reflect something within reason?

I am planning a one off project so I don't really need the power tools but they would be nice to have to improve productivity none the less. I can understand the prices of hand made tools like Barr chisels etc., but something like a chain mortiser I would expect to pay about $800 for, and a drill guide that they want $800 for really has nothing to it and should cost about $150. Maybe I am looking in the wrong places.
