If limited on funds, a hand plane like that wouldn't be near the top of my list in order of priority. It would be pretty low actually. Where do you stand with TF tools? I'd focus on what you need there first. There have been plenty of posts in the past with a list of tools. For me...
the 1.5" and 2" framing chisel and mallet(I really like the one from foxmaple)
7-1/4 circ saw with carbide blade
framing square and combination square
25' dedicated tape measure(for TF only and to be used for all measurements on the project)
Either a boring machine or appropriate drill for boring holes
A chain morticer is nice, but not absolutely necessary(substitute your boring machine or drill with auger bits.
Sharpening method
Some way to do cutoff (chainsaw, or 16in circ saw)
Those are the basics to have first.