Thanks for the info Brad. I have slowly acquired most of the things on your list - still need a 2" framing chisel and a foxmaple mallet (I am presently using a rough mallet I made with a froe and drawknife from a piece of ash - it works but I wouldn't want to use it all day). I bought a 1.5" Sorby mortising chisel and after some effort at sharpening (sandpaper on plate glass) I was able to get a mirror finish and what a difference!

For this project I'm making templates for the mortises and using a 1/2" router with a 1/2" by 2 1/4" long double fluted bit. That first 2" cut seems to provide a nice guide for chiseling out the remainder. I also have an auger bit for any mortises that don't justify making a template. Making that first cut into a timber that I cut, milled and carried to the workshop is quite intimidating.

I'm really having fun with this type of work! Leaving the workshop for food or bed is a challenge.