Paul -

Download the free version of SketchUp. I'm not doing it justice with my description. You could do most of what I've shown with copy / rotate / etc. using standard components. The self adjusting / updating is what the newest release gives one the power to create - entities that can change parametrically vs. graphically.

I was born and raised in the timber frame world on HSB / AutoCAD. I've played with Dietrich's and prior to all this with FormZ. Part of why I'm working with the new features and with SketchUp is because the entry barrier is so low... $500 can be spent by smaller shops and designers - esp ones that do not do CNC - to produce and develop sophisticated drawings.

I've posted a current project here:

Use SketchUp 6or7 (free or pro) and click through the tabs at the top of the drawing window. I'm just now starting to detail the floorplans, sections, elevations, and frame.

Last edited by bmike; 01/24/09 01:42 AM.

Mike Beganyi Design and Consulting, LLC.