Originally Posted By: daiku
Chris and Ken:

This is a fantastic opportunity for civil discourse. You have differing opinions, and interested observers. I have read many posts by both of you and respect both you and your opinions. I have not yet seen either of you stoop to personal attacks, and would be quite surprised to see that. It's OK to disagree if you do it politely. State your cases objectively, and impersonally. I'd like to learn more about the topic, even if it's controversial. CB.

I believe I have neither stooped to personal attack, and have been polite in my disagreement, and that I have stated my case VERY objectively. I welcome civil discourse - so I'm not sure quite what your point is here Clark.

I don't believe that there is anything inherently controversial about the facts I have brought forward, and indeed, no one has yet come up with any sort of reasoned rebuttal to my case, short of appeals which are inherently fallacious. I think the 'controversial' part you mention is that the information I bring forward does not align with common understanding, so therefore it is a 'controversy' - for some anyhow.

To borrow from Wikipedia, "A controversy is always the result of either ignorance (lack of sufficient true information), misinformation, misunderstandings, half-truths, distortions, bias or prejudice, deliberate lies or fabrications, opposing underlying motives or purposes (sometimes masked or hidden), or a combination of these factors"

I think I have uncovered some areas of misunderstanding, of distortion, and of misinformation in regards to the roof many in N. America call a Gambrel. My motive is to show that the word actually means, and refers to, a quite different roof. Since we build roofs as timber framers, I thought that some clear information on this topic would be valuable to most.

Where I take exception are out-of-hand dismissals of my views, with no supporting reasoning, such as I perceived earlier, and I am not willing to let that stand without challenge. I'm open to altering my views, but it will take good information and reasoning to do that. In want of that, I will stick with my belief in this matter. Fortunately I live in a time where I am unlikely to be burned at the stake for my 'heresy'.

My blog on carpentry practice, East and West:
