"fall where they may..."

good one.


Chris' post is quite a slew of info and seems to suggest no real certainty in cut nail developments whether it be US or UK dominated. But he did say the Brits began importing US cut nail machines in 1811...only to cast some doubt on the info a bit later.

I'd love to see his latest paper. Please take him up on the offer to send it to those interested.

He mentioned one thing I'm not quite clear on: what are "softwood linings?"...is that like paneling / wainscoting?

And what are your thoughts on my earlier theory that it was natural for nail technology to have developed here in the US b/c of the abundance of lumber, thus the pressing need for nails. I don't have a clue about lumber availability in the UK/Europe at the same time (roughly 1700-1900). Surely it was shipped to England from America.

Anyway Europe does seem to be well versed in no-nails-required methods of building such as masonry, wattle and daub, thatched roofs, etc. Perhaps European builders continued to rely on such technology rather than start nailing up everything.


Curious on your thoughts...

Don Perkins
Member, TFG

to know the trees...