Naw, I think I'm starting to like the term 'Derek' a lot better, given its meaning in old German of "ruler of the people" - sure beats my name, "bearing the body of Christ" all the time.

I understand that Death Star Industries® is planning a whole line of Death Stars©, from the basic Icosohedral 'Mini Death©' to the flamboyant 65537-gon model, Death Max©, which incorporates the latest in panel connection technology - all that's needed is a socket wrench, and a few thousand laborers.

The key to these exciting new developments was the 'negotiation' with the Ewoks, where it was found they could be most advantageously coerced - I mean 'induced' - to work for pennies a day doing utterly mundane unskilled labor. Why, you'd be amazed what those little gippers will do for a buck! also, they are remarkably tolerant of workplace toxins, and when one keels over, there seems to be a line up of other Ewoks just waiting to take their place.

And when the lifespan of a SIP-paneled Death Star© comes to an end, why we just shuffle them off into the nearest sun, where they are conveniently burned up, 'No fuss, no muss', that's the motto of Death Star Industries....

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