Originally Posted By: northern hewer
Hello all

Just before I leave that barn sure is finished off nicely with return on the eves, and the lights over the main doors. It almost has the look of the exterior of a large home.


Here in my neck of the woods large barns from this era are typically adorned w/ such trim work. It's one way I can date a building just by driving by. Seems it's always 1880-1910 range...

Victorian influences finally made it to farm architecture. A quote from an old publication speaks to this:

"[i]Among the many and recent improvements in farming matters, none is more conspicuous than the improvement in the construction of barns. The gables, doors and windows of the barn are frequently ornamented with pediments; and the eaves, or cornices with wide, handsome moldings."[/i]

--New England Farmer, 1855

I like that barn too... too bad it's in such disrepair. the roof leaks badly. Weeds grow on the wet floor... but the owner loves it and remembers his family farming there. His father had it built in 1911 and he really wants to restore it. There are numerous bottle jacks in place as temporary fixes. But it will take many thousands of dollars. I think it's too late for this one, sadly. He's a school teacher... I had to wonder if it made it through this past winter, given the heavy snows we had. But she still stands. I went by a couple weeks ago.

Nice subject to photograph. Kind of gothic all run down like it is.

Don Perkins
Member, TFG

to know the trees...