Well sorry to say I can't post right now but if I can get things up and running again in the near future I will post some.
Hi Don--you are like me I really enjoy everything about woodworking especially the old style, but you know I really enjoy a cut out of the history books especially in my leisure time.
Also your inputon the damming of the river at Flagstaff, Maine. I really didn't realize that there was a town named flagstaff in maine I thought it was in Arizona. I really sounds like tose folks went through the same agony that the folks around here did about the same time maybe a bit earlier.
Just a few more items from my file on the seaway project:
The Robert Saunders Powerhouse in 3,300 feet long and 162 feet high.
The dam that holds back the 21 mile head pond with its axis curved upstream is 2,250 feet long and 124 feet wide
There was a loss of 25 canadian's lives and 17 americans during the construction phase
Two massive locks raise and lower ocean going vessels one lifts and lowers 45 feet, and the other 38 feet.
The seaway took 50 years of planning between the US and candian governments. Talks started in 1913 and then the study began.