Inspired by this thread, here is a pic of a box I just build as a gift for my mom for Easter. I put the green easter grass in it, colored eggs, candy and a chocolate bunny. It's a garden toolbox for her to carry her many hand pruners, potting shovels, and planting knives. It's made entirely of white oak that planed to several different thicknesses(to keep weight down), but it's not completely finished yet. I plan to add Black walnut wedges to pin the handle in place, and some black walnut plugs in the handle support brackets for looks. I will also use a small sanding drum on the top edges of the box and the vertical supports of the box sides to make a scalloped look. I'll stain the scallops dark before finishing the box in linseed oil. Thanks for the inspriation guys! Keep 'em coming.
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