Don, really nothing new more confirmation of things, reminders of what to look for. On a previous thread, I started, on square rule questions and the different possibility of the approach to square rule, gains, reductions, housings, and how they were done. I am still working on it, I just need the right building, one that is coming apart to find the lack of marriage marks. This may lead me to change, in a slight way, how I cut my joints. I am always looking for accurate short cuts.

I also wanted to comment on the other speakers at TTRAG, I enjoyed them all. The fellow from Canada and his summation of the settling of Eastern Canada had a particular interest to my area of the world. Although we are separated by a present day boundary does not mean that was the way it always was. The French and Indian Wars or 100 Year Wars destroyed a lot of history while creating it at the same time. The bit of information on dikes and the French Acadians use of them, for agricultural use struck home for there are dikes built here and all along the Maine coast in the tidal rivers. He had commented that they were exclusive to Nova Scotia, well they actually are present here in Machias and in Scarborough, just south of Portland, it was settlers from Scarborough that settled Machias. These settlers were the folks replacing the displacement of the Acadians in the mid 1700s. It was not a virgin settlement. Jack commented he wanted to hear more about the barns, the speaker was more of a historian than barnoligst and he ran out of time.


Last edited by TIMBEAL; 04/26/09 10:47 AM.