Hi Don

Thanks for the wonderful response and you certianly did not lead us astray by no stretch of the imagination.

I believe we all are beginning to become a little bit wiser when it comes to selecting a type of wood strong enough to be used for an offset broadaxe handle.

I believe that another of the main properties that is required is the natural bend at the point where the handle curves into the head of the axe. Without this natural strength in the grain of the wood it will not stand up to the forces directed to the handle when it is brought into hard blows during the hewing sequence, especially when trying to cut through a knot in the log.

It would be nice to hear from someone who has had the privilege to exchange information on handle carving say from the tropical regions.

I know some of the hardest wood is mined such as lignum vitae (used for turbine bearings), and I am sure that there are some surprises when it comes to handle carving as well.

Around my region some of the dense hardwoods such as ironwood just does not seem to have been used eventhough it is very tough and durable.

White elm moves around too much as the moisture conditions change, and white oak does not finish well and stays too abraisive on the surface

White ash is a good choice, as well hickory is another.

As I close for tonight please come on board with other suggestions for everyone to ponder and maybe expand their knowledge base on this interesting topic.

I still like the first observation "holly" from Ken in England maybe he has a few more examples up his sleeve to share with everyone.