That was a nice post on dogwood.

I enjoy learning from Don P about different woods. It's clear he knows his medium...The Dogwood tale is a great example of folklore, which is one of my literary interests (but folklore really comes from an oral tradition rather than a written one; like poetry and song).

I'm curious to hear opinions on a laminated version of a broadaxe handle. Maybe it would be more work than a one-piece traditional design: the sawing of strips, making a form, etc. But it might produce a stronger product and a unique one at that.

I have made some canoe paddles, straight ones, w/ laminated shafts. Mahogany and spruce made for a neat (and strong)combination...people always comment on it (I can post some pictures later).

But for a broadaxe, envision alternating srips of ash and some tropical hardwood like NH mentioned... 1/4 ~ 3/8" strips glued up around a form would produce a nice handle, I'd think. A stronger one, too. Solid wood is prone to weak spots and fracture lines. A lamination is usually stronger as it is a combination of grain working together. Plus, a lamination resolves drying and checking concerns that are inherent when harvesting solid material for handles.

Curious to hear some thoughts.

Don Perkins
Member, TFG

to know the trees...